Push a branch to a remote repository

Learn how to push a branch to a remote repository. It is assumed that commit is complete.

What is a remote repository

A remote repository is a remote repository. For example, a repository on Github.

Remote repositories can be represented using URLs.

#Represent remote repository with URL

However, this is a hassle to remember, so most of the time you give it a name. Use the "git remote add" command to name it.

git remote add origin git@github.com:yuki-kimoto/perlzemigit.git

It is customary to name the default remote branch origin.

What is a branch?

I will explain about the branch of Git. A Git branch is a reference to a commit. Each commit is represented by a commit ID, but the first part where the commit ID extends is the branch.


In Git, the default branch name is master. For users who imagine master as a slavery master, the new version of Git allows you to optionally give it a default branch name.

Local and remote repositories

In Git, both local and remote repositories had complete information about the entire file.

What is a push? Think of a push as doing two things:

1. Transfer information from the local repository to the remote repository

2. Align the beginning of the branch

Suppose your local repository is in the following state:


Suppose the remote repository "origin" is in the following state.


Pushing means transferring a new commit from your local repository to a remote repository and aligning your branches.


Use the " git push" command to push. The arguments are the remote repository name and branch name.

git push origin main

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