How to Execute git Command on Multiple Git Repositories
I explain How to Execute git command on multiple git repositories.
You list directories using ls command.
An example of the output:
bind en_dbixcustom en_webapp mojolicious c en_deeplearning en_webdesign perlzemi centos en_giblog giblog philosophy datascience en_git giblog_docjp staff dbixcustom en_linux giblog_new_blog_example text deeplearning en_mariadb giblog_new_website_example ubuntu devel en_mojolicious giblog_theme1 webapp en_bind en_perlzemi git webdesign en_c en_philosophy linux en_centos en_siliconvalley mariadb en_datascience en_ubuntu mojodoc
You can select the list of the directories using grep command.
ls | grep -P '^en_'
An example of the output:
en_bind en_c en_centos en_datascience en_dbixcustom en_deeplearning en_giblog en_git en_linux en_mariadb en_mojolicious en_perlzemi en_philosophy en_siliconvalley en_ubuntu en_webapp en_webdesign
You can make these directries the operand of the command option "git -C" using xargs command.
# git status ls | grep -P '^en' | xargs -IFILE git -C FILE status # git reset --hard ls | grep -P '^en' | xargs -IFILE git -C FILE reset --hard # git diff ls | grep -P '^en' | xargs -IFILE git -C FILE --no-pager diff # git add ls | grep -P '^en' | xargs -IFILE git -C FILE add . # git commit ls | grep -P '^en' | xargs -IFILE git -C FILE commit -m "Add the links to English Pages" # git push ls | grep -P '^en' | xargs -IFILE git -C FILE push origin main